Understanding Divorce in Florida

October 10, 2022

Couples facing divorce often experience a very emotional and stressful time. Before filing for divorce, it is best to understand what divorce is and what you can expect. Continue reading to learn some of the basics of Florida divorce.

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How Does Back-Pay Child Support Work In Florida?

September 16, 2022

PICTURE THIS: It's a typical day, you wake up to the smell of coffee when suddenly your phone rings. You answer and, on the other end, is the mother of your child. She reminds you that your child support payment is late. But, you don't know how to tell her that you're struggling to make ends meet for yourself. If you're struggling to make regular back-pay child support payments in Florida, keep reading.

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September 11, 2022

It can be devastating to learn that the child you've raised for years is not yours biologically. In the mist of it all, you're probably wondering to yourself, "What happens now, and do I have any rights”? If these are some of your questions, continue reading to learn more about Florida's paternity laws. 

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The Results of Simmonds v. Perkins

August 12, 2022

There's no shortage of paternity court shows on T.V. And while television might be entertaining, paternity court shows (typically meant for entertainment) sometimes bring up interesting issues, particularly regarding a father’s paternal rights. Wondering how so? Continue reading to learn more about how this landmark decision has impacted a biological father’s paternal rights in Florida.

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What Are The Rights Of A Man Who Fathered A Child With A Married Woman While Her Marriage Was Intact?

August 11, 2022

Florida paternity laws have traditionally been unfriendly to the rights of a man who has a child with a woman who is married to someone else. There have been recent changes, though. We'll discuss how Florida paternity laws have progressed and the impact these changes may have on a father's right to a relationship with his child, even if the child is being raised in another household.

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Florida Rules On Parental Relocation

August 20, 2021

As a parent, you have a right to spend time with your children. Even if you and your ex do not get along, your ex cannot deny you access to your children. With all this remote work resulting from the pandemic, many people are realizing that they are no longer tied to a certain location for work. As a result, moving to another part of the state or country has now become a reality. But if you have a custody order, the law says that you cannot simply pack up and move your kids to another location without permission from your ex or the court. This law applies to any parental relocation that is more than 50 miles from where you currently live. Here’s more on parental relocation, and what you can do if you need help in your custody and relocation matter.

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Time Sharing Factors In Florida

August 20, 2021

The relationship with your children is one of the most precious and meaningful connections that you will ever have. The time you spend with them is crucial to building that relationship. If you and the other parent of the child are not together, then you will likely need to share that time. While some couples can successfully co-parent without getting the court involved, many simply cannot come to an agreement. When this happens, a judge will decide the amount of time that you get to spend with your kids. In coming to that decision, the judge will look at several factors, some of which are explained below. While preparing for your custody case, you should familiarize yourself with these factors so you can place yourself in the best possible position to get the most time with your kids. 

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Establishing Paternity In Florida

August 19, 2021

While daytime television shows make light of it, finding out you are the father of a child is no laughing matter. If you and the mother of your child are not married when your child is born, then establishing paternity is something that you will want to do at some point. In Florida, paternity must be established before you can get custody or child support. But establishing paternity doesn’t just benefit you and the child’s mother. It may also have a significant impact on the life of your child and may be necessary in some cases to receive social security, military benefits, and health care coverage. Let’s take a look at the ways that you can establish paternity in Florida, and what you can do if you need help.

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Florida Child Support Deviation Factors

August 19, 2021

Paying child support to your ex may be unavoidable in certain situations. While you want to provide for your child, you do not want to overpay. Because child support is based on how much money you earn, a complete view of your finances is necessary in order for the court to come up with a monthly payment. In situations where you have unusual or fluctuating expenses, you may be eligible to have your support altered. The law in Florida describes several factors that will allow your child support amount to be changed (deviated). Let’s take a look at those factors, including how they may impact your child support payments.

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5 More Things to Know About Final Hearings in Florida

March 9, 2021

As of right now, with everything going on, most courthouses are closed, with infrequent exceptions to in-person courts. To make sure these family law cases are still moving, courts are now having final hearings via Zoom.

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